After Over 535 Chicago Shows

Dear Chicago theatre community,

After writing three-hundred and fifty-one reviews in two years (and seeing another 185 shows),  I have decided to leave I would like to thank Tom Williams for giving me this opportunity, the friends I’ve made among the other reviewers, Jeff committee members and Saints, and, most of all, the theatre practitioners for welcoming me so graciously and treating me so kindly. I arrived in Chicago fresh out of college with my head buzzing with theatrical history and theory, but little exposure to the vibrant cultural workings of this great city. The hundreds of theatre artists in the area who work tirelessly to produce shows—usually with only the intention of pleasing people and with little expectation of compensation—allowed me to publically practice my critiquing on them. My growth has only been possible because of their patience, and I hope my writing has benefitted their ticket sales, provided a useful source of quotes for their grant requests, helped them advance their careers, strengthened their confidence, and provided them with useful feedback on their own journeys.

As I move forward, I hope to continue to be involved with this wonderful group of artists, and all the people who support them. Speaking of whom, I must also thank all of’s readers for following us so loyally. I’ve always tried to serve your needs, and provide you with reports that were interesting to read regardless of whether you decided to see a particular show. I’m looking forward to meeting more of you out in the world, and hope to stay in contact with those of you I’ve gotten to know.


Jacob Davis