Dixie’s Tupperware Party
Directed by Patrick Richwood
At Royal George Theatre, Chicago
Crude, foul-mouthed humor spices up Tupperware comedy
Since 2004, Kris Andersson (aka Diixie Longate) is the guy who appears in drag as a trailer park trash Tupperware Party girl who actually uses her 100 minute comedy show to demonstrate and sell Tupperware. This gross stand-up act is centered as a parody of those Tupperware Parties that lined the landscape of America from the 50’s through the 90’s.
The one joke comedy routine appeals to the lowest threshold of comedy shows. We meet Dixie – the fast talking (at times unintelligible) lady (a guy in drag) – who is from Alabama, is an ex-con with three kids who depends on audiences buying Tupperware to make a living. Dixie’s comedy routine is fueled with sexual references to demonstrate the various plastic products. Her crude humor wears thin as does her repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating (get the idea?) and the babbling Southern drawl spoken (uncharacteristically fast for a Southern). This irritating show constantly has Dixie interacting with the audience all in an effort to entertain us and to get us to buy those plastic products.
Dixie tells outrageous down-home tales, gives corny heartfelt living advice as well as throwing sexual references and insults to audience members. This show is a one joke hustle – imagine paying $44 (weekdays) and $49 (weekends) to listen to a repetitive short comic routine that thinly veils a sales pitch for kitchen products? Is that entertainment? Not for me. I was amazed at home many opening night audience members were filling out the sales order form during the show. I wish I could figure out how to get folks to pay over $40 each for me to sell them products while I do my comic persona. Amazing!
Dixie’s deadpan glances and machine-gun speech patterns mask her focus on actually selling Tupperware seem offensive to me. Dixie’s improv skills and audience involvement are not enough to make an entertaining evening. This show isn’t for sophisticated theatre patrons nor is it much of a lady’s-night-out show. It plays like a hillbilly Dame Edna desperate to move product. Better to go to Tupperware’s website if you need kitchen products. Why pay $40+ to hear a one joke comedy sketch?
Not Recommended
Tom Williams
Talk Theatre in Chicago podcast
Date Reviewed: March 22, 2011
For full show information, go to the Dixie’s Tupperware Party TheatreinChicago page
At Royal George Theatre, 1641 N. Halsted, Chicago, IL, call 312-988-9000