The Lark

Promethean Theatre Ensemble
At Athenaeum Theatre
A blasphemous heretic and martyr, the tale of a young virgin hero.
Amongst the heroes and martyrs of state, who went down in history, only a few women’s names stand out. The French heroine, Joan of Arc, goes down in history for saving France and being burned at the stake. The Lark, Written by Jean Anouilh, adapted by Lillian Hellman, and directed by Arthur Lewis, brings the inspiring and heart wrenching story of this French heroine to life.
Director John Lewis, has always been fascinated with the story of Joan of Arc, who against all odds defeated the English army to free France and crown her king. Lewis passionately brings this amazing story to the stage in a way that gives the viewer an almost personal connection to Joan.
Joan of Arc tells her story during her trial with the Spanish Inquisition. Accused of heresy and witchcraft, she is interrogated and ridiculed by priests of the Roman Catholic Church. The audience is presented with a behind the scenes view of the political inner workings and power structures backing the discrediting and execution of Joan of Arc.
In the black box theatre, the play has been skillfully produced on the minimal set, with quick clever costume and character changes on stage. The cast preformed phenomenally, keeping a distinct energy in each of their characters through all of their character changes. The lead Aila Peck (Joan) brings an incredible emotion and intensity to the role, convincing you that she is the pure selfless heroin diligently performing her mission from god.
This play is an exciting and inspiring drama worthy of all audiences.
Studio One at the Athenaeum Theatre, 2936 N Southport Ave, Chicago, Il 60657
The Lark runs from January 25, 2014, to February 22, 2014 on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7:30 pm, and Sundays at 2:00 pm.
Tickets are $12.00 for children/students/seniors and $22 for adults,