Six More Scary Tales
Written and produced
by David Denman
Produced by Clock Productions
At National Pastime Theater
Neither scary no funny nor campy tales fizzles
I didn’t see the original Six Scary Tales so I can’t comment on them but I was disappointed with David Denman’s Six More Scary Tales. The production I witnessed was a mixed bag of attempted horror and tongue-in-cheek humor that neither was scary nor funny. With disjointed writing, poor acting and atrocious accents, Six More Scary Tales comes off as amateur night at the theatre.
If you’re going for satire or parody then go all the way – don’t mix genres and find a script that isn’t so obvious and predictable that the audience could shout the punch lines. I’d advise hiring a dialect coach or drop the use of accents. I’m not sure what this production is trying to do except bore audiences? When you use words like “scary” in a show’s title, audiences expect frightening material and if you’re going for parody, make that obvious early on. The only interesting item in this show is the set. Too bad there wasn’t a worthy play mounted on it. I can not find anything redeeming or entertaining in this show.
Not Recommended
Tom Williams
At National Pastime Theater, 4137 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL call 773-327-7077, tickets $15, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, running time is 85 minutes without intermission, through February 26, 2011