The Society of Midland Authors 2010 Award
Tom Williams has won the 2010 James Friend Memorial Award for Criticism for his work as creator and founder of
Beverly Friend gives a critical award annually in Jim’s (her late husband) memory at the Awards Banquet of the Society of Midland Authors. The award originally started out for literary criticism, but she has branched out to include drama.
This award entitles Tom Williams to a check for $100, dinner for him and plaque.
Here is the list of previous award winners:
1. 1988 Robert Cromie
2. 1989 John Blades
3. 1990 Henry Kisor
4. 1991 Diane Donovan
5. 1992 Algys Budrys
6. 1993 Gary Wolf
7. 1994 Joseph Coates
8. 1995 Mark Krupnick
9. 1996 Penelope Mesic
10. 1997 Jonathan Abarbanel
11. 1998 Hedy Weiss
12. 1999 Lucia Mauro
13. 2000 Andrew Patner
14. 2001 Donna Seaman
15. 2002 Deborah Abbott
16. 2003 Roger K. Miller
17. 2004 Bill Ott, ALA
18. 2005 Eric Arnesen,
19. 2006 Bill Savage
20. 2007 – 20th anniversary celebration of past winners
21. 2008 Myrna Petlicki
22. 2009 Teresa Budasi
23. 2010 Tom Williams