Motherhood Out Loud
Directed by: Elizabeth Mazur Levin.
Written by: Leslie Ayvazian, Brooke Berman, David Cale, Jessica Goldberg, Beth Henley,
Lameece Issaq, Claire LaZebnik, Lisa Loomer, Michele Lowe, Marco Pennette, Theresa
Rebeck, Luanne Rice, Annie Weisman and Cheryl L. West.
Conceived by: Susan R. Rose and Joan Stein
Original Music and Lyrics by: Nicole Laurenzi.
Music Adaptations by: Andrew Clancey and Michelle Jasso.
At The Oil Lamp Theater, Glenview.
Just in time for Mother’s Day-what a great gift to give!
Whether you are a mother, stepmother, foster mother or if you have a mother, from the time that
baby is brought home until the tables turn and it is time to be the mother to your mother,
“Motherhood Out Loud” shares stories and situations that mom’s from near and far are sure to
relate to.
A series of monologues broken into 5 chapters, 14 writers and 20 stories later the
diverse actors play many different characters and explore topics from the labor of childbirth,
adoption, gay parenting, first dates, graduations, military mom, and aging parents.
The show begins with three pregnant mom’s and the birthing process and stories of
suffering-non stop suffering and joy and exhaustion and more joy and endless love. This leads
us nicely into personal growth and the neverending protection of our children no matter what. A
divorced mom dealing with her own reaction to her son’s gender identity when he wants to
dress a Queen Esther for Purim and what will everybody think of that.
Why adopt a baby from China if you already have a child and are you are going to teach him to speak “Chinese”?
A gay parent tired of Santa asking if the child has behaved for Mommy when there is no Mommy, a
son at war in Afaghanstan and the painful days without him and living an aging mother confined
to home and showing signs of dementia. Some of the scenes are funny and some touching and
move from one to the next nicely with musical interludes guiding the way.
The enthusiastic cast includes Andrew Clancey, Michelle Jasso, Nicole Laurenzi and Megan
Storti all equally talented and memorable.
Sally Jo Osborne.
Date reviewed: April 27, 2017.
At The Oil Lamp Theater 1723 Glenview Rd. Glenview, IL 60025.
For more information call the box office at 847-834-0738 or visit or, Ticket prices $20 to $35 Thursdays through Sundays
Running time is 2 hours with intermission ends on June 11th.